Common Knowledge

Items of common knowledge in Soporus:

  • Nobody has been seen doing magic. The only people who talk about magic are Bernerd in his stories and Kalinda, who is insane.
  • Any metal that has washed up on shore has eventually been turned to practical purpose. If a sword were found, it would be turned into something useful, like a scythe, or barrel banding. As the only metal they find is from luck washing it ashore, all metals are precious metals, so it hasn’t been wasted on frivolous things like weapons that will never be used.
  • Dame Edgefield has two children of her own. Chesa and Owen. Both were about 15 and 16 when you washed up and have since moved out and made their own families. Her husband in Soporus died a long time ago, she never talks about it. People refer to her as Dame because she seems to have a regale bearing even though she’s just a farmer. Also, she actually likes caring for Kalinda and listening to her crazy-talk.
  • There is a commonhouse where people meet and a common space in front of it where SpringFair or other gatherings are held. When Bernerd arrived he decided to live in an add-on to the common house and brew his wines and liquors there, so now people go there for alcoholic drinks as well.
  • Nobody fights in Soporus village, not seriously anyway. As you’ve begun to interact with the adults in the village recently, you’ve realized most people are fairly complacent. They are happy to go about their day-to-day lives and do whatever is needed but have very little concept of life outside the village.
    (One historical note on that: It was common for people in medieval villages in Europe to never go more than a day’s travel away from home. There just wasn’t a whole lot of reason to travel and day-to-day survival took up most of the day. So really, this isn’t totally strange…)
  • The village was literally named for being sleepy.
  • There are 7 books in the Commonhouse:
    Aboard the Guild’s Fastest Ship, The Seabird.
    Islands of The Belt
    A Cobbler’s Craft
    Something written in a strange language nobody in Soporus recognizes
    Inns of Seven Cities
    Endobar’s Travels: Dwarves, Stout Masters of Steel and Stone
    Aden and Tarayna, a story of love in a broken land
  • SpringFair contests would include:
    Carving – mostly wood, though other mediums have been used.
    Pigmenting – This is kind of like showing off painting skills, but includes showing off the clever way people found to make paints.
    Pig catching – Yes, people really do grease up a pig and let children, or drunk adults, try to catch it.
    Quarterstaff boutsHarmin will hand out quarter-staves with padded ends and 2 people will try to knock each other out of a circle. Also called pugilism. Harmin also generally wins, spouting philosophy and facts about various religious practices as he does, because that’s what he does.
    JugglingShass will teach people to juggle sometimes, but mostly just shows off his own juggling skills.
    Balancing – A wooden barrel with ropes run through it is tied between two sturdy poles. Somebody will try to stand on the barrel while two others shake the poles to throw them off.
    Storytelling competitions – Run by and won by Bernerd, of course.
    Various games of riddles and I spy games.